Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Money Over Matter: Can Cash Incentives Keep People Healthy?

The article explains how giving people money incentives can improve their decisions in certain areas in life. They tested a few different areas in life such as losing weight, quitting smoking, and exercising more. While these are areas that can definitely change people’s lives in a positive way and also areas that people struggle with I am not sure that giving them incentives such as money is the best way to encourage them. Although psychologist argue that after a certain amount of time these people take their life changes semi- permanent, the end result would go back to the way they were because the incentive isn’t there anymore.

            Incentives can be a good thing depending on how they are being used. The way this article uses money as an incentive to make people change bad habits in life can turn into a bad habit. For example if one gave student’s money to do well in school the results would only be short-term. What happens after the incentive is gone? The student never learns to discipline themselves into doing well in schools. Same goes for losing weight, exercising, and quitting smoking; the result will be long term once the person finds self-motivation. Using money as an incentive should be limited to those who are at a high health risk. 

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